Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nap Location

Seems like the prime nap location these days is the car.

Monday: Nothing to do at work, falling asleep at my desk. Decided to have a nap in the car (Thank God for underground parking) during lunch time. After work, I had to wait till 9:30pm for a meeting. Got to the venue too early, napped in the car for another half an hour.

Wednesday: Nothing to do at work in the morning, falling asleep at my desk. Sneaked down again to the parking lot during office hour to have a nap.

Today: Dropped 詹占 off at his buddy’s house at 6:30am so that they can carpool to the airport. Went straight to work but it was too early, especially bcos I had nothing to do at work. Went to a McDonalds but didn’t want to eat breakfast yet. Slept in the car in the parking lot for about an hour.

我都唔明點解我好似患咗渴睡症,日日都好似唔夠瞓咁.尤其是當喺公司無嘢做既時候,坐吓坐吓就一定會變成中吓中吓.今日又係無乜嘢做,睇黎一陣 lunch time 都係上車叉一叉電先得...

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