Thursday, May 5, 2011

Stepped on Shit


I wore my running shoes to work today. As I’m sitting in the office, I kept smelling this bad smell. Eventually, I realized that it’s from my shoe. There was some mud looking thing at the bottom which I tried to get off with some paper towel. I thought that it’s just some old mud rotting.

But the smell continue, so when I went to the washroom, I took one of those popsicle stick with me and clean the bottom of the shoes as much as I can. That’s when I realized that there’s big chunk of it on the other side of my shoe that I didn’t notice until then. Get the paper towel to get it off but still there were quite a bit of dried stuff stuck on my shoe.

Luckily, I kept a pair of work shoes in the office. Switched shoes and throw the stinky ones to one side.

So I tried to trace back to where I’ve worn my shoes to last and I figured that the last time was when I cycled to drum class on Monday. And I parked my bike next to a pole on a grass cover. That must be where I stepped on the shit when I came out of lesson and it was getting dark. Who the hack is the a-ho who did not clean up after his/her freaking dog?

Now I’ll have to joy to wash my stinky shoe after work tonight… great… just great… just exactly what I need to do after a tiring work day…

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