Wednesday, June 1, 2011




做在公司唔太多嘢做,雖然唔係好似上個星期咁無聊,但d嘢都 manageable. 白痴既係尋日公司有個 internal training, 喺出席呢個 training 之前,要 complete 兩個 online training, 咁都無所謂,問題喺呢個on-site training 既內容同online 既都無乜分別,完全係浪費時間.加上兩個 presenter 既 monotone, 我完全想瞓著.

放工又趕趕趕咁去 trainer 既 appointment, 完咗之後又趕返屋企,轉單車去上 drum lesson. 當所有嘢終於都完哂,我返到屋企之後成個人散哂,攰爆,差d連沖涼既力都無.

可憐既係當我 physically d muscles 太攰既時候,係會瞓唔著覺,會有drestless. 最後搞到要去 spare room 既 futon 度先瞓得著.仲發咗個怪夢,夢到一個 math test, 全世界人都爆低分,我只係得69分但已經係全級最高分,I wasn’t too worried in the dream cos as long as I’m near the top of the class, then 拉完 curve 之後就會 no problem. 但我有dfriend only 得19分,非常徬徨,所以我都唔敢話俾佢哋知我有69分,但又有個8婆幫我唱通街,喺夢中好想搥佢.

Anyway, 今朝起身,精神唔錯但肉體仍然好攰,唉,老了老了,recover 得真係慢...

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