Tuesday, October 8, 2013






第一次是那些年返暑期工俾車撞,其實是我錯,當然揸車嗰個都有少少錯,但主要都係我唔啱。嗰次撞到成個人碌左上人哋架車既車頭蓋再碌番落地,成個成龍咁,不過可能因為咁碌吓碌吓,缷咗D力,加上架車係轉彎,行得好慢,所以唔係好傷,不過有途人call 警察,so at the end, 個警察車埋我返工,亦都係我人生第一次坐警車,hopefully 會係唯一一次。


今次發生得好快,因為行車既速度比上兩次炒時快,係鈎到路邊突咗出黎既網,我都唔知自己係點落地,只知道好暈好痛,同埋知道自己跌咗喺條頗多車既屎加補馬路度,唔快D走開真係會俾車撞瓜,所以唔理暈同痛,好努力好拼命咁喺半睇唔到嘢既狀態下爬上 sidewalk,而家諗番轉頭覺得好有傷兵逃命既感覺,真旳是 mind over body,因為一上到 sidewalk 就不行了,天旋地轉,下意識的除下頭盔就躺下,摸到個頭起咗個大瘤,後來就好似半個 baseball 喺個頭度突咗出黎咁大。

不過當時都無乜諗,仲諗住訓喺度一下,好少少既時候快D去執番架單車上 sidewalk (單車仍在路中心,因為我當時真的只能拖著自己的身軀上 sidewalk),跟住再好D既時候就可以 continue my journey (I was on my way to church and I was almost there).

點知好似訓咗一陣(我諗幾分鐘)都仲冇乜好轉,好彩跟住有3個 good Samaritans 出現,有人識得急救,雖然佢無乜做D乜,但就做D簡單嘢keep me conscious and keep me engaged, 有人call 白車。其實我唔係真係諗住要上白車,不過個頭個瘤真係幾勁,而我又真係唔係好郁得,有救護人員 check 吓安全D。後尾仲有一個 Samaritan 出現,有趣的是,none of them saw what happened. They all thought that it was weird that nobody was helping. And another interesting thing is that they were all non-Chinese! haha…

Anyway, 白車黎咗,Dgood Samaritans 就走咗,救護人員check 吓我,覺得我都OK,他們OK的意思是我未死得,未有立時性既生命急險,不過因為我撞到頭要去醫院 check 吓,佢話要去醫院既時候我真係唔係好想去,因為我最憎急症室,由於我未死得,咁即係代表要去嗰度坐幾粒鐘。不過我個頭個瘤真的有點點大,所以我都唯有同意,佢哋抶我起身既時候,我仲係暈到如果佢哋無抶住我,我已經跌番落哋,所以我更加覺得我應該去檢查一吓好D,上咗白車,開車無耐,突然有一嘢天旋地轉,直情係視線範圍D嘢扭曲,warp咗,同埋我覺得自己係跌低,但其實係因為個頭入面D嘢轉令我覺得自己跌緊,真係從來都未試過咁既感覺,嗰一嘢真係以為自己跌而 brace 住身邊既嘢,跟住嗰個天旋地轉好快就停咗,但就換黎一點點冷汗。

之後,都無乜嘢,坐烈火戰車去急症室,然後就是如我所料的等等等,不過我唔敢週身郁囉,因為我仲係暈暈哋,我驚郁動太大又天旋地轉,所以又係齋坐。等左大概兩個鐘(算快囉今次!)不過睇同唔睇都無乜分別,醫生見我又無嘔又無vision impairment, 過程之中又無完全失去知覺,佢見我行得坐得,講野又有文有路,唔建議照CT因為幅射頗多,so 就係叫我屋企人接我返屋企,俾咗張紙話有乜要留意,如果有任何列出的徵兆要立刻返醫院。即係話我等咗兩個幾鐘就係為咗嗰張 list…


喺醫院坐既時候,自我檢查一下身上既其他傷勢,無大礙,手踭擦損少許,背脊擦損少許,大脾少少瘀,無乜其他問題,最心痛是我的 gortex 防水外套喺背脊度穿咗個唔細既洞,仲點防水??好貴架嘛,心痛死。

今日已經係第4日喇,我雖然好咗好多,但都仲係暈暈哋,個頭一郁得快D就頭暈暈。There had been 2-3 more episode of 天旋地轉. One of the times was when I tried to lie down to sleep that night, the whole room was spinning. I again felt like I was falling off the bed that I had to grab hold of the bed to ‘prevent’ myself from falling down. 我真係以為自己跌落床,不由自主地叫咗一聲哎呀。Besides the fact that the spinning attack wasn’t as severe these two days, I am also a bit more aware of it and know what to expect so when the spinning happens, I’m not as surprised.

The doc didn’t explicitly said that I had a concussion. 但 I think I’m not far from it. At least a very minor case of concussion. I looked it up online. The symptoms can last for 2-3 weeks. Does it mean that I need to spin for another 2 weeks??? I hope not.

Anyway, the bright side is 今次事件證明我暫時都未有骨質疏鬆。

And thank you to all you Samaritans!!


vics said...

I told PT about ur episode.. he asked immediately if ur helmet cracked.. he said some helmets are made to crack upon high impact .. so u dun use it again ... even tho some might stay in tact the inside might be damaged already... well go get a new helmet and yes it waz good that u had one on...

But if the dizziness continues.. should really get a scan.. it could be blood clog or sth.. better safe than sorry....

Dun bike so fast la...the city isn't exactly a bike friendly place...

vics said...

I skid once on my bike and hit my head on one of the wall by the highway.. cuz the bike lane was just beside the high way...i had my helmet.. which dampened the fall... but i was dizzy the whole day... but next day was better... so ur fall must really have been quite bad.... if the dizziness lasts more than 4 days......

oily oli said...

Yea... pretty serious.
And yea, helmet cracked open, need to buy a new one b4 I can cycle again, not that I can cycle right now with my head spinning.
Probably shouldn't be driving, either. But as long as I don't move my head too fast, I'm fine.
The list the doc gave us states that I shouldn't be engaged in any sports activity until I got a medical exam.
But ya, James said that if I'm still dizzy by next week, he will make me go to the doc, altho I'm a bit suspicious that it's going to be another waste of time - the doc is going to tell me that it's normal to be dizzy for days/weeks after a minor head injury...

Oh well.. we'll see... hopefully the dizzy spells will stop then I don't have to do anything, other than buying a new helmet.