Thursday, April 7, 2011


Ate a pear two days ago.

What’s the significance? The significance is that this is the first pear I eat since I got my braces off!

I have been quite turned off of the pear type of fruit (pears, apples, nectarines, since I got braces. In order to eat them with braces on, I basically have to cut them into wedges first cos I couldn’t just bite into it as the braces would grind against the fruit and everything will get stuck between the braces and the teeth. Not that cutting into wedges totally solve the problem. Food still get stuck in between but at least it’s only about 1/5 instead of 1/2 of it getting stuck. But I’m too lazy to cut them usually so I simply opted for avoiding them in general.

Feel so gd to eat pear without anything stuck in my teeth! :D

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