Monday, April 4, 2011

Love Happens

Watched it last week. I’ve heard bad things about it before but since I kinda like both Jen A. and Aaron E., I decided to give it a shot. Worse comes to worse, it’s just a silly romantic comedy anyway. Wouldn’t be too bad.

To my surprise, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. It’s not spectacular but it’s not bad. Not the kind that I would like to watch again but it’s gd enough for a relax evening movie.

詹占 pointed out that there’s no sex scene in this movie and there was only one kiss at the end of the movie. Like an old school romantic comedy. I like it. Personally, a lot of the times, movies shows way too much skins that does not add anything to the plot. But somehow showing cleavage or sex scene seems to have become one of the standard elements in movies now. Sick.

I didn’t notice the lack of racy element in this movie until 詹占 pointed it out. I guess that’s probably how 潛移默化 works. You don’t really notice whether it’s there or not but if it’s there, you kinda just absorb what’s presented in front of you and accept that it’s the way it is without really thinking about it.

Come to think about it. My favorite romantic comedy didn’t have any sex scene either and there was also only one kiss at the end. Haha… me so 純情! wahahahaha…

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