Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So Cheap

Internal office move two weeks ago.

Got an email memo to all employees that we are supposed to pack during lunch time or outside of working hours. So cheap. It says that the company “cannot afford to allow this move to affect our project work or utility”.


The truth is, the company is too cheap to want to pay for us to do packing and unpacking, even though the move is an office decision, not us employees’ decision. The whole point of moving is to organize the office a little better so that ppl from the same team sit in closer proximity instead of all over the place. It’s your own fault that you didn’t organize the office the right way in the first place. Why do I have to pay to rectify your problem??

And it is precisely this kind of attitude that makes me doesn’t want to 為公司賣命,你同我斤斤計較,我咪同返你計.你唔蝕俾我,我都唔會蝕俾你.

Especially bcos the company is a publicly traded one, they always want to keep their shareholders happy and keep the stock price high. This means that any profit they got they are going to give out to the shareholders as dividend instead of giving out bonuses and/or give out freebies (like free lunch and stuff) to employees.

I am actually quite spoiled at the old place. We have free lunch every month, plus the occasional lunch n’ learn which usually provide free lunch also. And all kinds of little 小便宜 for me to 貪! haha… In this _big_ company, my salary isn’t that much better than what I used to have and taking into account that I can’t claim overtime anymore (like the freaking inter-office meeting yesterday that lasted till 6:15), I’m actually earning less on a yearly basis. Together with the fact that I do not get any bonuses anymore and no more 小便宜, this place is really not that ideal to work in. I do feel like I got 坤 into this company.

I was also told that they hardly ever give you a big raise in salary in this place. Orz… in terms of $$, I really should have stayed in the old place. But I do kinda like what I’m doing here a little more so I shouldn’t be complaining too much. But this office move where we had to 自己嘔時間出黎 for no gd reason, I found it totally unreasonable law. 喺你國際大企業唔 provide 我哋員工著數之餘,你仲要黎攞我哋小員工既著數?我真係覺得好離譜,亦都好唔合理.

仲要呢,將死人 memo 出咗唔只一次,驚死我哋浪費辦公時間咁.其實,好多人最後都無理佢囉,咪又係用辦公時間執,I as a relatively new employee, 唔敢咁大膽,一半係用 lunch time 執,一半係辦公時間.

I’ve heard that the company’s retention rate is pretty low and now I know y. With that kind of attitude and the lack of recognition, I’m not surprised that employees don’t feel belonged. But at the same time, I don’t think that the company care too much about retaining ppl. Being a big company, it has no problem attract/坤 ppl 入局. Sigh… 可憐那些被騙的人,入咗黎先知上咗賊船 (I’m one of them).

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