Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I got the PPE exam result the day I came back to town from youth camp. I passed! Doesn’t say what’s the mark but who care. All I need is to pass it.

So now, the final step is to have all my referees filled out the form for me with nice and positive comments and if PEO accepts my experience (since what I do and what I studied is diff), I will be able to call myself an engineer, as opposed to engineer-in-training. Personally, I don’t really care about the title that much. It’s more like something that I have to do in order to keep my boss happy. During last year’s performance review, I put down getting PEO license as one of the goal to achieve this year so I better get it done.

Unfortunately, my colleague who took the exam on the same day as me failed the law part of the exam. It’s not a big deal anyway. You just have to redo it until you pass and it’s free to redo. I’m just glad that I’ve got it over with and don’t have to worry about it anymore.

On the other hand, the citizenship test was a joke. The practice questions online were harder than the actual test. The test was 20 MC questions, to be completed in 30min. I used only 5min to complete the test. Normally, we won’t know the result until they mail us the letter but since I missed a document and ended up having to see an officer, I saw the already marked paper and I got full mark. wakakakakaka… But really, I don’t know if I’m just lucky or what, the test was so easy. And of course, I prayed beforehand so that probably helped also. ^_^

So once I submitted the missing doc, I will probably be a Canadian citizen in a few months. And then I can get a Canadian passport which means that I can go down to the States without applying for a visa. Definitely a big plus cos then there’re a lot more mini-vacation destination choices, not that I can go anywhere anytime soon after September but it’s nice to have the option when I need it.

So relieve that all the exams/tests are over. I can read normal books and play video game without feeling guilty of not studying. :D


Vics said...

Congrats... You can hea as much as u want la hahaa
Better do it as much as possible now cuz u might not have the chance later hahaa will be busy as hell...

oily oli said...

yea... trying to treasure my free time as much as I can. Not that I have too much of those anyway...